Seven Seas Perfect7 Woman Multivitamin

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Seven Seas Perfect7 Woman Multivitamin combines 250 mg Omega-3 nutrients and 1000 mg Fish Oil in 60 High-Strength Tablets, featuring 250 mg EPA & DHA. This Duo Pack includes 30 Capsules and 30 Tablets.

Seven Seas Ideal7 Woman Plus is a unique blend of Natural Source Omega-3, essential multivitamins, and minerals. Specifically formulated for effective nutrient absorption in the body's cells, it provides comprehensive support from within as one ages. The inclusion of 250mg of DHA in daily intake contributes to the beneficial effect on brain function. Additionally, a daily intake of 250mg of DHA/EPA brings about a positive impact on heart health. This specially crafted supplement addresses various aspects of well-being, making it a valuable addition to a woman's daily health regimen.

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