Front End Development Nanodegree - Udacity

courses udacity web design
Learn how to build high quality websites and dynamic applications to create stunning user experiences for the web.

Front End Web Developer

4 months to complete

The goal of the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program is to equip learners with the unique skills they need to build and develop a variety of websites and applications. Graduates of this Nanodegree program will be able to construct responsive websites using CSS, Flexbox and CSS Grid, develop interactive websites and UI (User Interface) applications using JavaScript and HTML, and connect a web application to backend server data using JavaScript. Students will also build competency automating application build and deployment using Webpack and improving offline performance of websites using Service Worker.

Prerequisite knowledge

To optimize your chances of success in the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program, we recommend that you have comfortability using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (or another object-oriented programming language).

  • CSS & Website Layout

Learn how to effectively create the structure of a website using semantic HTML, and style websites with CSS and responsive layouts. Develop an understanding of different use cases for CSS Grid and Flexbox, and structure the layout of a web page using grid columns and rows.

  • JavaScript and the DOM

Use JavaScript to control a webpage. Learn what the Document Object Model (DOM) is, and use JavaScript and the DOM to dictate page content and interactions. Gain experience working with Browser Events and managing website performance by controlling content creation efficiently.

  • Web APIs and Asynchronous Applications

Set up a Node and Express environment so you can develop web applications on your local machine, and learn to handle HTTP Requests & Routes. Update and modify website elements dynamically using asynchronously retrieved data.

  • Build Tools, Webpack, and Service Worker

Develop an understanding of how to use build tools, such as Webpack, for automating build tasks. Create CSS variables with Sass and configure Webpack to use Sass controlled stylesheets. Learn how to cache server data and website functionality using Service Worker.

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