Virginia Woolf

20th Century earth location england europe novelist person united kingdom woman writer
Virginia Woolf was a British novelist who wrote during the early 20th century. She is considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors, and her work has had a lasting effect on literary scholarship.

Virginia Woolf was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th-century authors and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. Her work is known for its experimental style and frequent shifts in narrative point of view. Her novels include "Orlando" (1928) and "To the Lighthouse" (1927). She also wrote essays, reviews and short stories. She is often cited as one of the foremost examples of literary modernism, though some have observed that because Woolf did not accept the term "modernist", we cannot know for certain whether she would have accepted this description. She was born in 1882 and died in 1941.

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