Alessandro Manzoni

italy man novelist person writer
Alessandro Manzoni (March 7, 1785 – May 22, 1873) was an Italian poet, novelist and philosopher. He is famous for the novel I promessi sposi The Betrothed, a historical romance published in 1827, and generally ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. It has been called the most famous and widely read novel in the Italian language.
Alessandro Manzoni was an Italian writer and philosopher. He was born in Milan, Italy. His first work, published anonymously in 1805, was a tragedy called Adelchi (1805). In 1807 he produced two novels: Le Confessioni d'un italiano and I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed), which caused him to be regarded as one of the finest Italian prose writers of his day. A verse translation of Shakespeare's King Lear by him appeared in 1823; and from 1824 till his death he wrote largely for periodicals and reviews.
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